Sunday, 15 March 2015

March already! Nearly April!

I know this post is a little late, as it is now March 15th! ALREADY! How is this even possible. It seems like only the other week I was starting Uni and now I have less than 3 months left. Three years of my life has gone so quickly.

I've had such an amazing time so far, third year has made me step my game up an extra notch, not going out as much any more, literally once a month if that. Despite having less lectures, I've found myself working a million times more. The library is becoming a second home, I  dream about my dissertation and my other assignments. But its no longer just the stress of uni work, but what I will be doing after I finish uni. So I now find myself applying for job after job. I have resorted to making a life plan okay well up until July


  • Write between 500-1000 words a day, in order to keep up to date and not get bored.
  • Along with those words, I will be reading an finding a minimum of three articles each day.
I get to go home for a week in March/April as well so that's great. I am going to take the time to relax a little, but still continue with the writing and finding those articles or books. I am also going to see McBusted on the 29th of March so I am really excited! Also to see my family and friends :D 

  • I have scheduled a small break down for about mid April, when I realise I have less than a month to complete all my work, and then that is the end of my University career
  • But on another note the new Avengers movie comes out :D

  • Now this is a MASSIVE month for me! And a lot of fellow third year students. First is DEADLINE day, the 5th of May, that is only 51 days away! I cannot believe it
  • May 5th-- Time to get drunk with all the Educational Studies lot, we certainly deserve it!
  • I am also hoping that I will be going to Dublin for a few days, it is a place I'v always wanted to go and explore. 
  • Also, Pitch Perfect 2 comes out :D I adored the first one so I am very excited for the second installment 
  • But my favourite event will be by far the SummerBall! Last year was amazing but this year I am sure will be even better. Friends, great music, great company and booze!
  • Shortly after SummerBall, I will be going to Poland for a 5 day holiday with a few friends, its a cheap and great holiday and something more to look forward to, and a great way to end m final year.
  • Then it means moving out of my house in Plymouth and moving all my stuff back home! How all of my stuff will fit into one car  just don't know. 

This leaves the last month of my plan so far, I turn 21 on the 13th, I hope to party and see all my friends. I also hope by this point I have found a relatively good job and learning to drive. Small things ay!?

This was just a rambling post, but I felt the need to share my little plan with the world. I hope you enjoyed and sorry its been so long. 

Love yah 
