Saturday, 31 January 2015

Where does the time go?

Tomorrow is February, one whole month of 2015 gone! Where has this time gone seriously? I guess this is a little reflection of January and look at what February holds for me and this blog.

I looked like this for one...

...which is absolutely bonkers because not only have I changed my hair colour 3 maybe 4 times since December/January I have also changed the hair style. I am forever changing my hair. However, I am hoping to stick to one colour soon, but first I need to find the right colour. I returned back to uni in January, which I had several mixed emotions about, but thank goodness I am here. I am so glad to be back, and still shocked how quickly my final year has gone! Just under 4 months until my time at Plymouth uni is over. I also began to write my dissertation which is rather daunting but so far I am enjoying the challenge and researching into a subject I really enjoy. I don't hate my subject yet, which is a massive bonus, I have about 2000 words ish written of it at the moment, so only 6000 more to go haha. What else has January brought me? Oh yeah, yet more illness :( which is sucky, but I am hoping that I have found the problem so I can fix it. Also, myself and Chelsey have started a new blog together which focuses on us becoming healthier and fitter mentally and physically. Which for means I need to start making a lot of adjustments which I know in the long run are going to make me a lot healthier both body and mind. Oh yeah, also more about my hair changes:

So as you can see January has been a crazy time for my hair, and February will also be the same, I no longer have blue and purple hair. I am in transition, so its a white/blonde/green mess at the moment. Which is great fun. According to Chelsey I look like an old women who has had a perm and a blue rinse, I think I look amazing! But back to the serious stuff... January has made me think about a lot of things, how I look, how people see me, what I plan to do after uni, question friendships and relationships, look through mistakes I've made and some things that just need to stay in the past. But I feel that it has made me look at February as a bit of a fresh start, healthier eating, exercising and maybe even just finding myself a bit (peace man peace). I know January is supposed to be the time to make changes but you can always make changes, you do not need to wait for the new year or a Monday to start that diet again. I firmly believe that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger (thank you Miss Kelly Clarkson) and that just because something hasn't turned out the way you want, just pick yourself back up and try again and again. Hey, I'm trying to lose weight and become healthier for the millionth time, but this time I have a lot more riding on it, I have support from family and friends and you guys which is amazing. And if you are reading this and feel that you have something you want to do but do not have anyone to support you, I'm here. I am always here to help anyone, so don't worry you are not alone, I am a comment or an email away even a tweet anything, I'm here! 

Anyway I went a bit off topic but I think it was essential to mention. Anyway for me February is a start of a newer me in all aspects. I'm going home also for a week which will be great, see the family and some friends, and have a bit of a break from uni and just chill for a bit. Also, this year I am doing lent and giving up meat (I miss bacon already) so we will see how that goes, I also hope to have a lot of my dissertation done. 

So that was my first month of 2015 and here's to the second... 

Love yah 


1 comment:

  1. Glad to see an update post! Hopefully we can start our walks soon! xx
