SO as you
may know I am someone who chooses to be 'different' not 'normal' or as some may
call my style individual or a phase I am going through! Well guess what guys, I
am not going to change my look and personality in order to fit inside your
idealistic society...Anyway, whilst walking through campus today I noticed a
few people looking at me, okay I do have two toned hair, front is purple and
the back is orange and I was wearing a t-shirt that said 'Normal people scare
me', but to get to the point I had a few reactions which got me thinking that there
are only four types of people in this world.
The people who think the world revolves around them and their views.
example, I was asked today, on my way home why
I can't dress normally, this was from a complete stranger, I had never seen
or spoken too this person in my life. I responded with 'Why should I dress
normally?' But what I should have said is what is normal? Who am I or anyone
else to judge what others class as normal. I am not hurting or offending anyone
by having brightly coloured hair or funny tops (I'd like to state I have zero
tops I own are offence most of them are bands, Doctor Who or minion based). I
just simply wear what I find comfortable, its personal taste not a debate.
Those who love my style and compliment me.
example... this happened about two weeks ago, I was walking into lecture and
when a women and her child passed me, when the mother turned to me and said 'Wow your hair is lovely, I like the
different blues in it' and the little girly kept saying 'Look mummy blues and
purples' and this made me very happy and I was shocked that there are
people who can be nice, and I shouldn't be so shocked at this. That there are
people who are nice. I've had a few people say that I am brave because of my
style, and that they'd worry what people think. And I guess to some extent I do
worry how people will see me in society but I am not a scary person, I am a
kind hearted person (well I like to think I am). So when people tell me I am brave I get a sense
of pride because I might be inspiring others to maybe come out of their shell
more, and be themselves more.
The individuals.
who class themselves as an individual. Those who make heads turn because they
have a ‘whacked’ out style. Not necessarily bright colours like myself, but
those who class themselves as emo’s, goth’s, punks, rockers etc. Let’s face it,
we are ALL individuals, some may follow the current fashion trends, others
prefer something different. But who cares, are you happy? Yes good that keep on
doing what you are. Just don’t judge people because they aren’t the same as
you. Just because they don’t like the same clothing as you does not make them a
bad person, in fact they may turn out to be a great person!
Those who do not care, it is up to me what my style is.
I love those people who simply
couldn’t give a rat’s ass if I have blonde, blue, purple, green hair. Those who
barely notice that I wear personally styled clothes shall we say?! To them I am
another person on the street, and they are normally the people to become
friends with because they focus on who you are and not what you look like which
is wonderful.
Sorry if this was a rant, but it just got me thinking about perceptions of people without even speaking to them and getting to know them.
Love yah