Saturday, 28 February 2015

Review of BLEACH super cool colour in washed out orange.

I am well known for dyeing my hair all the time. I was suggested to use this brand by my housemate, because she had used it before and so have a few of her friends have. I was told the Rose colour by BLEACH was really good and stayed in the hair for weeks if not months. However, I have already had pink hair so went for the washed out orange colour. I put this colour on top of bleached white/platinum hair, quite literally a blank canvas. 

At first I really liked the orange colour, I also dyed my fringe purple to contrast the orange. Anyway, I expected this to last a hell of a lot longer than it did. It didn't even last 4 washes. I was so disappointed; it faded so quickly and went a horrible off yellow/orange colour. luckily I had blue so dyed that over the orange.

I thought I'd give it one more try, This time I had bleached my fringe, and the rest of my hair was black, Anyway the fringe was white again so I put of the orange on top. This time I was horrified, the result was horrible and patchy. The orange was a greeny/orangey colour. At first I thought it might be because of the black dye in the rest of my hair, but I only washed the fringe, none of the black was wet.
This is the result as you can see it is a very faded colour, in person it is a lot worse, this picture actually makes it look better. 

I payed £5 for this dye, and will not be buying it again. I think I will be sticking to Ion colours or crazy colours, which are around the same price. 

Love yah


Tuesday, 17 February 2015

I finally finished Paper Towns by John Green

This post will not contain any spoilers!

WARNING! This is my opinion of the book and my personal review, please do not take this as fact, make your own mind up of the book.

I have tried to write this post at least a dozen times, and each time I end up deleting what I have written, because for me this book had so much potential, I started this book with excitement as I really liked The Fault in our Stars by John Green; however as I neared the end of this book I predicted the ending and I was correct. As I read the last few pages I was so disappointed and honestly felt the last chapter was pointless,

So what is the book about?
The book is set around Quentin.
Quentin is a normal teenager and is in his last year of high school, he has normal friends Radar and Ben. Quentin loves his next door neighbour Margo and always has done since they were little. Margo is not a typical teenage girl; Margo tends to run away often, she disappears for 2 or 3 days at a time and tries to leave clues for her parents and friends to follow so they know where she is, however the clues aren't always great and often get ignored. Margo's parents do not worry about her because she does this all the time. One night Margo knocks of Quentin's video and they explore the city, causing a bit of mischief and the next day Margo is gone. Quentin doesn't think this is a normal disappearance, so he sets out to find her. 4 days pass and she is still no where to be seen, so Quentin gets his friends and Margo's closest friend involved in finding her. The book follows Quentin and the group follow clues that Margo has left all over the city. Quentin believes Margo has left this clues personally from him.

I think this is a safe place to stop and let you read what happens... But I will say is that I was so disappointed and annoyed with the ending of this book. It had so much potential to be so amazing but for me it failed at every obstacle and corner. I just don't know why it had to end so stupidly. The whole book was leading up to finding Margo and then this twist, a stupid pointless twist. That made the majority of the book pointless. it could have ended within a few chapters and have been a better ending.

I am not sure if I have given this book a bad review because I really just wanted to finish it because i wasn't gripped from the beginning. I know I have given this book a bad review, but I want you to make up your own mind, we all have different tastes in books, films, music etc. So do not let my review dishearten you. I am just given my own opinion,

The film for Paper Towns comes out sometime this year and I will be seeing it, mainly because a new upcoming actor that I like is playing Quentin, I hope the film adaptation is good, I do have high hopes because the Fault in our stars was great. I do have one more John Green book to read which is Looking for Alaska and I am hoping I will enjoy it.

Love yah


Tuesday, 10 February 2015

1 hour of reading everyday.

You may remember that at the start of this year I decided to read 21 books because I turn 21 this year. And well it isn't going great, I've only finished one book so far which was Paper Towns by John Green. I feel like I do not prioritise reading enough. So I have decided to start reading for at least an hour a day. It is most likely to be before I go to bed, but I feel like if I can just fit in an hour a day it will make it a lot easier and more enjoyable to read. I do not want it too seem like a task because its not, I just do not prioritise reading as much as I should. Therefore instead of watching videos on Youtube before I sleep or watching one more episode on Netflix I am going to read. Get all cosy in bed with my book and maybe a cup of tea and read, and enjoy it.

The book I read first was Paper Towns, I think this was a wrong choice for me to read because I disliked this book immensely. (I will be posting a review) I just feel this book had so much potential but failed at a lot of hurdles, and so much waffling about nothing. So, this I guess put me off a little to continue my 21 book challenge, but I have just started my new book and it is by a different author and is good so far, I am only 20 pages in therefore I cannot really comment about it, but the style of writing and layout is a lot different than what I normally read so I am excited to continue. The book is called The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer. Hopefully I will finish the book by Sunday the 16th, I also have a longish trip back home so I can read for the 3/4 hour journey I hope.

This was a short post so I can motivate myself to read more, and I hope you guys are somewhat motivated to pick up a book and read more, something you've been meaning to read or you've been recommended to read but never did, this is your opportunity to do so! Just 1 hour each day that's all it takes and you will fly through books.

Love yah


Tuesday, 3 February 2015

There are only four types of people...

SO as you may know I am someone who chooses to be 'different' not 'normal' or as some may call my style individual or a phase I am going through! Well guess what guys, I am not going to change my look and personality in order to fit inside your idealistic society...Anyway, whilst walking through campus today I noticed a few people looking at me, okay I do have two toned hair, front is purple and the back is orange and I was wearing a t-shirt that said 'Normal people scare me', but to get to the point I had a few reactions which got me thinking that there are only four types of people in this world.

1. The people who think the world revolves around them and their views.
For example, I was asked today, on my way home why I can't dress normally, this was from a complete stranger, I had never seen or spoken too this person in my life. I responded with 'Why should I dress normally?' But what I should have said is what is normal? Who am I or anyone else to judge what others class as normal. I am not hurting or offending anyone by having brightly coloured hair or funny tops (I'd like to state I have zero tops I own are offence most of them are bands, Doctor Who or minion based). I just simply wear what I find comfortable, its personal taste not a debate.

2. Those who love my style and compliment me.
For example... this happened about two weeks ago, I was walking into lecture and when a women and her child passed me, when the mother turned to me and said 'Wow your hair is lovely, I like the different blues in it' and the little girly kept saying 'Look mummy blues and purples' and this made me very happy and I was shocked that there are people who can be nice, and I shouldn't be so shocked at this. That there are people who are nice. I've had a few people say that I am brave because of my style, and that they'd worry what people think. And I guess to some extent I do worry how people will see me in society but I am not a scary person, I am a kind hearted person (well I like to think I am). So when people tell me I am brave I get a sense of pride because I might be inspiring others to maybe come out of their shell more, and be themselves more. 

3. The individuals.
Those who class themselves as an individual. Those who make heads turn because they have a ‘whacked’ out style. Not necessarily bright colours like myself, but those who class themselves as emo’s, goth’s, punks, rockers etc. Let’s face it, we are ALL individuals, some may follow the current fashion trends, others prefer something different. But who cares, are you happy? Yes good that keep on doing what you are. Just don’t judge people because they aren’t the same as you. Just because they don’t like the same clothing as you does not make them a bad person, in fact they may turn out to be a great person!

4. Those who do not care, it is up to me what my style is.
            I love those people who simply couldn’t give a rat’s ass if I have blonde, blue, purple, green hair. Those who barely notice that I wear personally styled clothes shall we say?! To them I am another person on the street, and they are normally the people to become friends with because they focus on who you are and not what you look like which is wonderful. 

Sorry if this was a rant, but it just got me thinking about perceptions of people without even speaking to them and getting to know them. 

Love yah
