You may remember that at the start of this year I decided to read 21 books because I turn 21 this year. And well it isn't going great, I've only finished one book so far which was Paper Towns by John Green. I feel like I do not prioritise reading enough. So I have decided to start reading for at least an hour a day. It is most likely to be before I go to bed, but I feel like if I can just fit in an hour a day it will make it a lot easier and more enjoyable to read. I do not want it too seem like a task because its not, I just do not prioritise reading as much as I should. Therefore instead of watching videos on Youtube before I sleep or watching one more episode on Netflix I am going to read. Get all cosy in bed with my book and maybe a cup of tea and read, and enjoy it.

The book I read first was Paper Towns, I think this was a wrong choice for me to read because I disliked this book immensely. (I will be posting a review) I just feel this book had so much potential but failed at a lot of hurdles, and so much waffling about nothing. So, this I guess put me off a little to continue my 21 book challenge, but I have just started my new book and it is by a different author and is good so far, I am only 20 pages in therefore I cannot really comment about it, but the style of writing and layout is a lot different than what I normally read so I am excited to continue. The book is called The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer. Hopefully I will finish the book by Sunday the 16th, I also have a longish trip back home so I can read for the 3/4 hour journey I hope.
This was a short post so I can motivate myself to read more, and I hope you guys are somewhat motivated to pick up a book and read more, something you've been meaning to read or you've been recommended to read but never did, this is your opportunity to do so! Just 1 hour each day that's all it takes and you will fly through books.
Love yah
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