Friday, 13 November 2015

Fuck it, I'm going to prove myself wrong!

I’m terrified.

I’m terrified of never being truly happy with the way I look. I want to change I do, I try so hard but then something happens or I make up an excuse and I’m back to square one again. I self-sabotage all the time. I know this but yet I keep doing it.

Today I had the day off work, I could have gone for a walk, run or a jog. I could have got my bike out of the shed and gone for a bike ride. Even if it was for half an hour it would have been better than what I actually did. But surprise, surprise I didn’t instead, I got up at noon, ate some cake and proceeded to watch T.V. all afternoon. I did a marathon… of a T.V. series. I’m so lazy and I know that, I really do. I keep trying to lose weight and get healthier but after 3 weeks I get bored, annoyed and angry because I haven’t lost the amount of weight I wanted to. Of course I know that it is a long process but let’s face it, if we could all just press a button to make us look the way we want to we’d all press it. But life is a bitch and that’s not how it works.

I’m scared that if I don’t make the changes now I never will. My weight is already causing problems for me. I was 14 when I was told I have an 80% chance of not having children. I was told then, that if I lost weight that statistic would go down. But did I listen, did I fuck! I carried on the way I was. And my weight has piled on. I’ve tried a lot of things but as soon as small excuse appeared I’d grab it and make it massive. I got ill, I had 3 operations. Now what’s my excuse? I’m tired after work… well Gemma MAN UP!

I need to stop thinking of excuses. I work 4/5 days a week. Always have at least 2 days off work. Work is great, I am more active at work. Running after the kids and eating reasonable meals. But it’s the snacking and picking.

I always have plenty of time to do exercise after or before work but I never do. I either start work at 7am and finish at 3:45pm or start at 3:15pm to 10:30pm… I have plenty of time before or after to do something. I know that if I did 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day I will see a massive difference but once again I can’t be bothered.

But the difference this time is that, I have my family, my friends, a personal trainer and my boyfriend rooting for me. I lack motivation but with each of them supporting me I know I can do it. One step at a time. One pound at a time, with every step I will get there and be healthier. I’ve said it so SOOOO many times that I will change but this time I NEED to do it. I can’t keep slacking. I have a future to prepare for. I have a full time job, a loving partner and the only thing holding me back is my weight! It’s one thing I can control and change so here goes!

I promise… for every pound I lose over the next year I will donate a pound for pound to charity. On the 13th of November 2016 I will update you all. With weekly updates (every Friday) I will let you know how I go. What I’ve eaten, how I’ve exercised. My highs and lows. Everything.

I hope you can all join me on my journey
Love yah


Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Carrot Cake Recipe

I love carrot cake, and with this simple recipe so will you.

250g self-raising flour
2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
400g caster sugar
350ml vegetable oil
350g grated carrot
120g chopped walnuts

140g soft margarine (I use dairy free)
350g icing sugar
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract/flavouring

  • Preheat the oven to 180C/ gas mark 4 and grease 2, 20cm cake tins.
  • In a big bowl, stir together all the dry ingredients (self-raising flour, cinnamon and sugar)
  • In a separate bowl beat the oil and eggs together, until combined.
  • Slowly mix the eggs and oil into the flour, sugar and cinnamon until smooth and combined fully. 
  • Then add the grated carrot to the mixture, and mix until smooth and fully combined. 
  • Once the mixture is combined, divide equally into the 2 cake tins. 
  • Bake for 25-30 mins in the preheated oven. Test the cake with a skewer and if it comes out clean it is baked
  • Once the cake is baked, leave to cool in the tins, once fully cooled removes from tins.
  • Whilst cake is cooling, make the icing.
    • simply mix the margarine, icing sugar and vanilla extract together until smooth and creamy. 
  • Once the cakes are cool, layer the cakes, with a layer of icing in-between each layer.
  • Top with a thin layer of icing and serve.... with a cup of tea is advised
  • Enjoy

The finished product

little discalmer... this is my finished cake it is a lovely picture courtesy of Google Images... I have lost the picture of the cake I have made! Silly me. Sorry... Nevertheless the cake was amazing and didn't last long in my house as it was eaten so quickly.

I hope you try this very simple recipe.

Love yah