Sunday 31 May 2015

My last hour at University.

May the 31st at 3pm marks the end of an amazing era and massive chapter in my life. Three wholes years of my life has been spent at Plymouth University. I started on September the 5th and now I am leaving, only to return to graduate in September. My housemates have left, they have packed up. My room is empty and clean. Now I must catch my train home back to Thatcham, and start the next chapter in my life. A new exciting job, learn to drive, turn 21 and everything else life has to hold for me. It's a massive step and I am terrified. I have considered taking a masters because I am scared to move out of education. I've spent the past 16 years of my life at school, and uni I know its time to move on, but I just don't want to. Let me stay young!!!

But I know I have to move on, and grow up. Start paying taxes and actually save my money! No more cheeky Nandos for me :(. But like I said its exciting to move on and develop as a person. 

I have made friends for life at uni, those who have been with me through thick and thin, been with me through break-ups, mental break downs and melt downs, but most importantly through the good times. The random beach trips, or shopping sprees, the endless library hours and more Nandos I care to think about. You guys have made me cry with laughter, danced and mde utter fools of yourselves with me, and for that I am forever grateful.

And now as I sit here, on my own in my empty bedroom and empty house writing this I get to remember you wonderful glorious people, who have made every second of uni worth it. 

I love you all so so much and I cannot wait to see you all soon. I miss you already my lovers. I hope you're experience has been as good as mine. 

Love yah 

1 comment:

  1. I'm just going to photoshop myself into that photo!
